Today is my 38th birthday...wow! I can't believe I am that old. Of course Madison told everyone I was 40 today and I almost killed her. She doesn't understand that after the age of about 21 you don't add years, you subtract them! But all in all I had a great day. Aaron got the girls up for school and let me sleep in. This was probably my favorite gift especially since it was raining and I was all snuggly under the covers. I had breakfast in bed and got caught up on my tivo-ed shows. Heaven I tell you! Aaron and I had lunch and then I went shopping...another two of my favorite things. We then had dinner with the girls at PF Changs which was quite yummy. Rachel and Madison talked non-stop throughout the entire dinner. I felt like my eyes were watching a tennis match going back and forth between them. Exhausting! And so at the end we tore open our fortune cookies and my special word was "family" and my lucky number was "38". I think this is going to be a great year. Happy Birthday to Me!
Happy Birthday Cousin Jenn!!!
It is so funny because you always seemed light years away in age, experience, etc but now that I am 31 I realize that our age difference isn't that great.
I hope you had a fabulous Birthday with your family!!!
oh!! how I miss you!! Seeing these pics make me so sad!! Remember when we celebrated your bday at Texas Roadhouse n the snow and ice..what did we do last year? I know you rcvd a freakin Fleur de leis hook that I searched everywhere for and now I see them everywhere..I hope that you had a Happy Happy Birthday and I hope you know how much I treasure our friendship! You are so precious to me and my family and I can't Thank God enough for you! I miss all of our spur of the moment lunches and get togethers.. I just truly miss seeing you!! Its time to see each other again! lets plan something soon!! xoxoxoxoxo to you and know that I love you!! Do me a favor next time you are with your Mom give her a BIG BIG HUG and know that it is from me to her thru you and from mr to you thru her.. does that make any senselol!! that way I am hugging you both.. love you soooooooo much!!
Happy Birthday to my sweet angel. You and your family are such a joy to me and I thank God everyday for all of you. How empty my life would be without my kids and grandkids. Love you with all my heart. Mom
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