Today is my sweet mother's birthday and I just wanted to publicly acknowledge what an amazing person she is to the world ( or actually to the few of you that actually read my blog :).
If you would look up the word "MOTHER" in the dictionary you should see my mom's face. She is the perfect epitome of what it means to be a mother. She is selfless, affectionate, trustworthy, caring, generous, fiercely loyal and loving. She honest to God would do anything for her children (and grandchildren for that matter) and we all know it and admire that quality in her. She is the person who will come over and help me clean when she knows I am getting overwhelmed. She is the person that will take the girls to get something new to wear when I say no (my girls are smart!). She is the one who feels the pain of her children more than any other person I know (besides my grandma!) whether it be a sickness, friend problem or any other crisis and hurts right along with them. She is the one who calls for no reason but to hear how her children are doing and genuinely wants to stay greatly involved in their lives. She is the one who shows up to 8am soccer games in the freezing cold and cheers with the best of them. She is the one who yells if a player intentionally (or unintentionally for that matter!) hurts one of her granddaughters during a game and will let them know that she didn't like it one bit. She is the one who knows every doctor appointment I have and will call me (or the doctor :) to make sure everything is ok. She is the one who stayed by my side at the hospital after the twins were born when I wasn't doing very well, even before she set her eyes on her new granddaughters. She is the one who flew to Disneyworld and stayed for 24 hours just to surprise the girls and go on rides that make her sick. She is the one that is happiest when she is surrounded by her family. She is the one that God so graciously chose to be my mother and what a blessing I was given!!
I found this quote and it sums up my mom PERFECTLY!!
Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. - Elizabeth Stone
Happy Birthday Mom....I love you so much!!
Happy Birthday Auntie Yvonne!! You truly are an amazing woman, mom, and Aunt and anyone who has you in their lives is a lucky person!! You are DEFINITELY a role model for me of what a mom is and should be, thanks!! Love you lots, Jen
Thank you to my 2 jenn (jen) Hopefully I can stop tearing up long enough to wish my beautiful daughter a happy birthday too. You and our family are the light in my life. I love you with all my heart and soul and thank God for being so good to me. Happy Birthday baby! Love you Mom
Happy Birthday Grammy.. I hope that you had a wonderful birthday!!I think of you all the time and I praise God for you and your sweet family!! Love you!!
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