I really hesitated joining Facebook a few months ago thinking it was really dumb and a complete waste of time. Well, today it paid off in a big way. I reconnected with my long lost friend Anne and over a pancake breakfast we caught up on approximately 15 years. Funny how time erases with good friendships. Anne and I lived next door to each other our freshman year at Mizzou and spent a ton of time together. We learned what college life was all about that year which included how to survive without our mothers, how to study, how to party, how to cook ramen noodles in a dorm room, how to keep up with our shows (most importantly Knot's Landing!) and how to form new friendships. We did pretty good with most of these things...maybe not the studying so much. :) Anne was such a HUGE part of my college life and such an incredibly sweet girl. When I think of Anne I think of Red Hot Riplets, Dr. Pepper and waking with NO alarm clock, ever.
So we chatted today for hours about everything! Families, kids, husbands, old friends etc. Some happy, some sad. If you went to Mizzou, lived in North County, played soccer (especially at SLU) chances are we talked about you! Ha!
I hope that our friendship continues to grow during this chapter of our lives because you don't find many people sweeter than Anne! Thank you for finding me! (This song was a hit in 1990 :) This picture was taken on my 20th birthday...Anne found me on my birthday this year so I thought this was an appropriate picture.
Now I remember her....so glad you found a photo! Very cool that you two got to reconnect. You didn't drink any beer with your breakfast, right? :)
We were afraid you might hunt us down and pour it out! Ha!
awwww I just love happy endings:)I ad another dream about you... remind me to tell you about it.. I guess in my sub concious mind I am just worrried about you...
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