A few months ago I wrote about the mouse in the fridge and the sheer panic that it caused. Well, tonight we had another incident proving once again that the Crowell women aren't really into nature or wildlife. Aaron went outside to play with Sonny and when he opened the door a bird flew in (he didn't even realize that the bird came in..not real sure how that happened!). I am assuming that the bird was in my wreath that is on my front door. Most people comment on the size of the wreath and many complain that it attacks them on the way in but evidently the birds like it. Aaron said it was a female, purple finch but I will need Papa Crowell to confirm that. They all look the same to me! And so the chase began. The bird immediately flew upstairs and down the hall. We aren't sure if he went down the back stairs or what but then he ended up in my office on my bookshelf and then back to the hallway again...all this time with 4 girls screaming, me being one of them! Madison had locked herself into the bathroom and wasn't about to come out. Finally we decided to turn the lights off except for the chandelier in the entry and gently coax him out. He made it to the ledge above the front door and kept pecking at the glass (stupid, gross bird!). Aaron then got a rake and tried several times to pull him from the ledge but he kept getting through the rake. Then Jordan made the mistake of saying "Dad broke off one of his wings" (which he didn't) and Livi, my animal lover, completely lost it and was sobbing! We eventually got the gross thing out of the house and then focused on consoling Liv. We told her that he was happy to get back to his Mommy and then she was fine.
Most people love birds well I hate them. I think they are gross and full of diseases. They poop on your car and make nests on your house and leave their dead babies who are too stupid to fly and splatter on your driveway. This happened every single year at our old house. I think it was the same stupid bird who would make a nest a the highest peak of our house and then leave her babies who would plunge to their deaths on our driveway. Yuck!
My disdain for birds started when I was a little girl. I was with my family at Six Flags and we were waiting to meet with everyone for lunch (for all of you St. Louisans it was near the front entrance by the ice cream parlor). I was sitting on a bench under a tree when suddenly a bird fell down the back of my shirt and was pecking the crap out of me. My Aunt Irmi, in her thick German accent, asked me what the hell was wrong with me. I think she thought I was having a seizure. I was finally able to jump up and untuck my shirt (My red camp shirt...remember those?) and the bird fell to the ground and was DEAD!! How disgusting is that? And ever since then they scare me to death with their fluttery wings and sharp beaks.
And so now I realize that maybe we moved a little too far into the wilderness. Anyone want to trade houses. :)
Okay the bird in the shirt is hilarious but the visual and sound of Aunt Irmi is too much...so funny. She is one of the funniest people I know and she doesn't even try!!
I'm so sorry, but I started laughing out loud at the "pecking the crap out of me...." line. Oh Jen, I am so so sorry. We have wreaths on each side of our front door and I spend most of the spring knocking out nests because the dumb birds build nests, then leave every time we come in and out and the babies can't survive. I actually love birds in flight or hearing them in song, but not when they come close! Bless your heart!
ok I have to come back every few days to read this blog just so I can laugh hysterically:) You crack me up!!! But I truly thnk the bird is a red breasted 31/2 month old wren lol.. damn bird watchers:)
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