Wow...time is flying by and in 3 short hours we will leave for home. What a whirlwind of craziness this week has been. We have had tornados, two deaths in town from the crazy weather (one less than a mile away), the team truck got broken into last night with a window shattered, a child went missing, several team members (including myself and Jordan) got sick...the list goes on and on. But amazingly the trip has been incredible. I have learned to be flexible, to forgive, to know which star is Venus, to apologize, to sleep on an air mattress with two crazy sleepers and a slow leak, to console, to listen, to clean a urinal, to do laundry at a laundromat, to function on very little sleep, to guard my heart, to wash dishes until your hands are completely water logged, to realize that I am in control of nothing, to fix boo boos, to give a zillion piggy back rides in one day, to cry myself to sleep, to look completely disgusting and not care, to have difficult conversations and to completely fall in love with kids that are not mine. This week was WAY harder than last year and it will probably take me longer to recover but I pray that the impact in my life will be even greater. I am so thankful that my family was given the gift of this trip.That God chose us to have this experience. Our hearts seemed to break as we said goodbye to the children tonight...tears until there were no more. Their faces we will cherish yet in a way they will haunt us. The pain and suffering, the neglect and lack of hope are hard to understand but I know in my heart that for a moment they were happy and that is all that matters. We did not come here to fix people or situations but to show them the face of Christ. And that we did. :)
PS Pics to follow...too tired tonight.
I am sure that you have all left lasting impression on these children and your friends and family reading this blog. We are praying for your safe return and that you have made memories that will not be forgotten by you or the people you made smile. Love you MOM
Wow.. Impressed, touched, heartfelt, are just a little to even begin to describe how this blog entry made me feel by just reading it and to only imagine being there and being a part of it for a week. I am so glad that you were touched once again by the hand of God, I am so glad that you were seriously pushed out of your comfort zone and taught so many things. This only makes you grow stronger in yourself and in your walk with Christ and with others. I am so happy that you all had this chance again and cant wait to talk to you.. I have wanted to let you know that there is another opportunity for your family to serve or just for you in Magnolia, Texas at the Ray home, they are in much need of a bff to sit and listen with to laugh with to cry with, to spend time hanging out, one that needs a big hug and one to be guided... promise you will be blessed as they will too... Love you xoxoxo call me soon!!
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