We drove through town today to put up flyers for the carnival. This was my first trip into town and the poverty is quite evident by the sights that we saw today. Rachel took these pics...ESB is on everything, street signs, walls, etc. We found out today and it stands for East Side Bloods. There is a ton of gang activity here.
We met Kaslynn today and as she entered the youth center I was sickened by how dirty her clothes were and her shoes were about ready to fall apart. She had an "accident" which gave me the perfect opportunity to give her some new clothes. She had a blast going through the clothes that we brought with us. She settled on this outfit and said she looked "buuutiful". :) She modeled for me and loved looking at the pictures. I gave her a few more things that I thought she could use and she carried that bag around ALL day! Although it won't change her life it sure did bring a smile to her face and some pep in her step.
Today I had a case of deja'vu. Last year I met Keiley on the playground and she had a very infected foot. I ended up cleaning her feet and Olivia gave Keiley her shoes since she had none. We found out that she walked to the youth center every day through broken glass. Well, today in walks Keiley with the same infected foot. She had shoes on that were clearly not hers but a nasty foot to go with it. As we walked into the youth center to get the first aid kit she grabbed my hand and said "I mished you!"
Here are a few prayer requests 1. Pray for good weather for the carnival. We have a 30% chance of thunderstorms which would not be good. 2. Pray that my voice does not completely go since I have lots of directing to do tomorrow. I have not felt good all day. It is like springtime here with pollen counts through the roof. My voice is almost gone...ugh!3. Pray that lots of families come tomorrow to the carnival and that they have a great time.
My dear sweet daughter your words bring tears to my eyes and I miss you terribly. I wish I was there to take care of YOU! Mom
Poor Girl I am praying that you feel better soon.. You have so much to do and want to do and this really reminds me of the conversation we had last week of how satan loves to blow your light out and he will try but GOD is BIGGER and will not let him.. Praying for all of your request and more.. Love you bunches... xoxoxooxoxxo
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