Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Happy 14th Anniversary to my Amazing Husband!!

On April 29th 1995 I married the most amazing person that I know. I truly had no idea what was in store for me and quite frankly walked down that aisle with blind faith. I could never have envisioned this life that we have created. A marriage that is so deeply rooted in love, respect and commitment...four incredible daughters that complete our lives...a crazy, lively, passionate home that is full of laughter and joy...and even the best dog in the world. If God ever touched my life it was when He lead me to YOU! Our true friendship turned into a beautiful romance that is still getting stronger every day.
Before you, I thought I knew what I needed in my life.
Before you, I thought I knew what it felt like to be loved.
Before you, I thought I knew what happiness was.
I didn't. I now know that love is a complete miracle, something that you can't create but something you must simply accept. I am so blessed to have found my miracle.
Thank you for cherishing me above anything else, for loving me when I don't deserve it and for making me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. Thank you for being my partner that I can wake up with every morning, the one who gets my jokes and shares my laughter and the one who consoles me when I am sad. Thank you for always taking care of us and being an incredible father to our daughters. You quite possibly are the perfect husband...:)
I am so blessed that God chose ME to share this life with YOU. I can't imagine what the next 14 years have in store for us but all that matters is that you are by my side. Thank you for always being my True Companion! I love you so much! JC

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Jordan's 1st Cruise

Last week Jordan went on a cruise with Grammy and Papa to Mexico. She had an amazing time and the pictures definitely prove it. :) Some of the highlights of her trip were swimming and playing with dolphins, getting her hair braided in Cozumel, meeting friends, going down the huge slide that was on the boat (many times!), the towel creations that she found in her room every night, the kid's hot tub, karoake on stage with her new friends and of course the delicious food!
There were 200 kids between the ages of 9 and 11 on the boat! How crazy is that? Well Jordan was in heaven since she is an "on the go" kid. She never stops! So thanks to Grammy and Papa for making such an incredible memory in Jordan's life. I am sure she will never forget it. I wish all kids could have grandparents like you guys. My girls are sooooo LUCKY!
This was the longest I have ever been away from her so we were all so happy when she returned safe and sound. Especially Olivia who asked a thousand times if Jordan was on the Titanic. She was a nervous wreck! We missed you "J"!

Monday, April 13, 2009


Well, another holiday complete. Time to pick up all of the candy wrappers, new clothes tags and that dumb grass from all the baskets. Easter 09' is history. Did anything change in your heart this year? Or did you attend church for the first time since Christmas? Or not at all? Did the death and resurrection of Jesus even enter your thoughts yesterday? For many people it is a day to spend with family, Easter egg hunts, and delicious brunch...all wonderful things but temporary. How did you celebrate the most significant event in the history of the world? The sermon at church yesterday was one that I wish everyone could hear. It came from John 20:1-18. We didn't just rehash the same old story of the death, crucifixion and resurrection but made it relevant to our lives. Here is the basic message....keep in mind I am not a preacher :) Basically you can't talk about Easter without discussing death and disappointment. Mary Magdalene was deeply upset and disappointed at the death of her beloved friend. Her hope was in an earthly Jesus. When she went to the tomb and was found weeping, Jesus appeared to her and said "Whom are you seeking? and Why are you weeping?" He was basically telling her that her hope was placed in the wrong thing. Many times our hopes are put in the wrong things...careers, money, marriages, financial stability, friends, family, material things, even church. These things WILL disappoint us at some point. The road of life is riddled with disappointments until the resurrection is firmly rooted in our hearts. This is the only hope that is NEVER lost. The analogy at the end was instead of Jesus asking Mary Magdalene "Why are you weeping, Whom are you seeking?" ...he is asking YOU that! He is saying "I just died for you and then conquered death, why are YOU disappointed in your life?" Do not cling to the things of this Earth...they WILL disappoint you! Is the resurrection a STORY or a REALITY in your life that you put your ultimate hope in? And if you don't have that hope right now, open your heart, turn to Him, and ask Him...he will NOT disappoint you!!! And so that concludes Jenn's first sermon...:) Hope you enjoyed it! The girls and I are gearing up for a fun week...spring break! I can't wait to sleep in and not rush in the morning. Yippee! Jordan left for a cruise yesterday with Grammy and Papa and won't be back until Saturday. It is a very weird feeling to have her gone. I have been constantly looking for her. My brain thinks in terms of 4...not 3! The song that is playing now summarizes the message I was trying to convey....this song says it much better! Here are the lyrics: Artist: Tenth Avenue North Song: By Your Side Why are you striving these days Why are you trying to earn grace Why are you crying Let me lift up your face Just don't turn away Why are you looking for love Why are you still searching as if I'm not enough To where will you go child Tell me where will you run To where will you run And I'll be by your side Wherever you fall In the dead of night Whenever you call And please don't fight These hands that are holding you My hands are holding you Look at these hands and my side They swallowed the grave on that night When I drank the world's sin So I could carry you in And give you life I want to give you life Cause I, I love you I want you to know That I, I love you I'll never let you go

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Livi's impressive first game!

Ok, Aaron and I have been preparing for Livi's soccer season and to be honest when we discuss it we are usually laughing at the mere thought of it. Livi is not very coordinated and falls rather frequently with no apparent obstacles in the way. So just imagining other players and a soccer ball and field conditions that aren't exactly stellar we knew that we were in for a treat. The morning started pretty rough with us picking her up from a friend's house after a sleepover and battling with her over her soccer socks. Socks and Olivia do not get along and after several failed attempts at finding the right placement of the toe stitching she stated she didn't even want to play soccer. Well, that didn't sit well with her father and an argument erupted. Luckily Aaron went into QT to get her a Gatorade and Momma made the peace negotiations. By the time Aaron came out of the store she was smiling and apologized for being crabby (one of my finer parenting moments!)
And so the game began and we held our breaths. She ran out on that field like she knew what she was doing. She even arranged the defense in the proper triangle position and showed people where to go. Aaron and I were cracking up at her leadership. She even threw the ball in a couple of times and threw it FAR! I didn't even know she knew how to do that. The best moment of the game came when her line of players came off to rest. Livi grabbed her Gatorade bottle, unscrewed the top and was just getting ready to take a drink when her coach said "Olivia, do need a break or do you want to go back in?" She put that bottle down and said "I'm going back in!" And so she ran back on that field huffing and puffing! We were so proud of her fight!
She only fell once which was a miracle in itself. She fell for no apparent reason but only one time. This might be a record! I am not sure whose child that was on the field that day but we will keep her. Liv, we want to publicly apologize for assuming that your soccer skills were not up to par. You have obviously been watching your older sister Jordan at her games. And all this time we thought you only paid attention to the nachos...shame on us! :)

Monday, April 6, 2009

Jordan's GIFT!

This past Friday was St. Baldrick's day at school. St. Baldricks is a foundation whose mission is to raise awareness and funds to cure children's cancer. Participants donate their hair to those who have lost theirs due to cancer treatments. Jordan and 11 other girls from her school donated their hair for this important cause! About 25 boys from her school and several teachers shaved their heads in support of St. Baldrick's as well. It was a wonderful day to see so many young kids with servant hearts willing to give something that is very important to them. It was a VERY emotional day to say the least. The entire school filled a room and watched the festivities. Whenever a girl's ponytail was cut off the entire school erupted in applause. Jordan, who doesn't like the limelight, had a difficult time with this but made it through the day and looked absolutely ADORABLE! I do have admit that after school she did have a meltdown about her missing hair but after I washed it and styled it she was fine. She knows in her heart that she did something amazing for someone. I told her the person that gets her hair is the luckiest girl around because she has absolutely gorgeous hair. I am so proud of her for giving this amazing gift!