Most people have fears or even phobias to certain things...heights, snakes, the dark, etc. My phobia is of MICE! I am terrified of mice. I know, people think they are furry, cute little creatures but I am deathly afraid of them. And so tonight I happened to go out to the garage and noticed that Rachel had left the door open to the fridge. I bent down to close one of the drawer doors that she left open so that the big door would close and as I am reaching down a MOUSE literally jumped across my face!! I screamed so loud I am surprised that a neighbor didn't call the police. A MOUSE WAS IN THE REFRIGERATOR!!! I ran towards the closed garage doors and just froze for what seemed like an eternity but then I realized that the door was open to get into the house and I knew I had to protect my children inside. The mouse was between me and the girls. And so I ran so fast the mouse probably couldn't even see the bolt of lightening striking through the garage. You would have thought I was being chased by an axe murderer. I made it inside and quickly called the girls. And after scolding my dear Rachel for leaving the door open I told them to stay inside that the mouse was still in the garage. I soon realized that Jordan and Livi are NOT scared of mice when I caught them laying on the ground in the garage looking for the mouse. Livi was saying " Come here little mouse. We love mouses. We don't want to eat you." They are much braver than their Mommy.
OH MY GOSH!! My stomach hurts I have laughed so hard!! I can totally see this whole scenario:)and the song just makes it even more funnier:) You need to move to Texas it is to warm for mice... Love you!
Seriously, Jenn, Elza Mae (my grandma) is famous for chasing down mice -- and catching every single one -- and you have to turn to your daughters to negotiate with the critter?! However, if you do find out how he got into the frig, will you let the rest of us know so we can avoid this same experience:).
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