Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I am sad...

As this election day draws to a close I wanted to share my thoughts on this election night and why I am feeling so sad: 1. I am sad that we do not have an objective media and outside of a few programs on Fox most people have no choice but to receive information from liberal leaning outlets with a clear agenda. I thought the media was supposed to be an unbiased voice to Americans. I thought this only happened in other countries. I am sad that impartial journalism is a thing of the past. 2. I am sad that this country is moving into a system of entitlement where the more a candidate promises the more electable he is. Sure, I believe in wealth distribution...we should be able to distribute our own "wealth" to charities, churches, people that WE choose to give to. And honestly are we helping these people by given them government program after government program...NO.. we are forcing them to become dependent on the system and to need government more and more. 3. I am sad that the American Dream is a thing of the past. I am sad that my husband started a business over 10 years ago (with NOTHING given to him) and has worked more hours that many work in a lifetime and now he will be penalized for his success and will be required to give his income to able-bodied people who have made their own choices in their life. I am sad that there are Americans that think this is fair. 4. I am sad that my tax dollars fund organizations like ACORN that publicly endorse candidates when their job is to remain neutral. How can this even be legal? I am sad that there is no outcry in this country...on EITHER side. 5. But most of all I am sad that our new president has promised to re-instate the Freedom of Choice Act stating that this will be the FIRST thing he does in office. Most people have not even heard of this nor do they care. I am sad that by law my 11 year olds could get an abortion with no parental notification. I am sad that babies up until term can be aborted under this plan while using the "health" of a mother as the reason...this could mean ANYTHING! I am sad that babies are babies when we WANT them to babies. I am sad that people are more worried about drilling in uninhabitated places on our globe but yet they do not even blink an eye at the thought of a full term baby being murdered. 6. I am sad that our new president voted to allow doctors to deny medically appropriate treatment to infants born alive after a failed abortion (which has happened many times!) and actually during the debates he termed these infants "temporarily alive". I am sad that a vast majority of people on both sides of the aisle (including Hillary Clinton) voted against this while Obama voted for it. But above anything else I am sad that people that call themselves Christians do not see the harm in these practices and will vote for a candidate that will immediately put these barbaric laws in place. Mother Teresa said it best when she said "It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish." 7. I am sad that we have more laws protecting the endangered Hawaiian Crow than we do have for babies in utero. 8. I am sad that people have been sold a bill of goods and actually believe that their taxes are going to be lowered...these are obviously people that have not investigated and people that haven't turned their tvs from MSNBC. The Bush tax cuts are set to expire shortly and they will not be renewed. The average family saves $3500 from these tax cuts which will be no longer. He has also promised a whole slew of other taxes...401k tax, capital gain tax, small business tax from 35% to 55%. People will be getting their redistribution $500 check from Obama but then they will find themselves without a job. Spend it wisely! And so even though my "guy" didn't win I do have faith that I did the right thing and that my God is applauding my decision. I will always love my country and be proud to be an American (unlike our new first lady!...well...maybe she is now.) but on this day I am SAD. Tomorrow is a new day and I will be thankful for the incredible blessings that have been bestowed on the Crowell family. Life is short on this earth...the best is yet to come.


Grammy said...

Wow I am so proud of your passion and your dedication to this country and the sanctity of life. Erin and David went for an ultra sound on 11/02 and heard their babys heart beat - she is only 7 weeks pregnant. Now explain to me how that is not murder to abort a fetus even at that early stage. All we can do now is support and volunteer at places where we can save one life at a time! Love you

Shannon Ray said...

I am so proud of you for sharing your awesome heart!! I feel exactly the same way you do and my heart aches for this country right now but remember what we talked about how GOD is truly the only one who is in control and he is the only one who sits on the throne! Have Faith and trust in him and I believe we will be ok!! Love you bunches!!!