Rachel and Madi are 13 today...WOW, how time flies. I feel like it was yesterday when these beautiful babies came into the world. They were everything we could have ever wanted and more. They were absolutely gorgeous with their black hair and beautiful skin...and there were 2 of them! Aaron and I had no idea what to do...we would just stare at them and wonder what we did to deserve such an amazing blessing. When I was little I was fascinated by twins and even had twin cabbage patch dolls with brown hair...now I had the real thing. The cabbage patch dolls were much easier to take care of but they didn't smile at me and light up the room with their presence. :)
These last 13 years have been amazing. We have learned how to be parents (still learning!!) and have felt the love of two amazing little girls. They are blossoming into incredible women with true hearts for others. They are very good friends to many and good sisters too. Just last night I took them all to the store and as we were walking in, I turned to look for Livi and Rachel said "I have her"...she held her hand the entire time until she was safely back in the car. What a good sister! And then Jordan wanted to buy her friend something at the store and Madi bought it for her with her own b-day money...very generous! I love these glimmers of hope when they actually act human! :)
Happy Birthday Rachel and Madison. I have many wishes for your b-day as you enter into those crazy teenage years:
1. I hope you find happiness in every situation, every day.
2. I hope you are always close with each other and Jordan and Olivia.
3. I hope you always treasure your family. You have so many grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins that LOVE you. Spend time with them.
4. I hope you have life-long friendships that stand the test of time...they will feel like family when you are my age.
5. I hope you make school a priority. This will allow many doors and opportunities to open up for you...and make your life MUCH easier!
6. I hope you always do your best and go after what you love in life. Don't take no for an answer.
7. I hope you never compare yourself to others...you have no idea what their life is really like.
8. I hope you learn how to forgive everyone for everything...you will have a peace filled life if you do!
9. I hope you continually grow in your relationship with God. Always know that He loves you for who He is not because of something you did or didn't do.
10. I hope you always know how much I LOVE you. You girls are my life and my reason for every day. You can tell me anything, do anything, say anything and I will ALWAYS love you. (within reason of course :)
And so Happy Birthday Rachel Marie and Madison Elizabeth...the best is yet to come!!
PS Listen to the words to this song...there could never be a more beautiful you!
Rachel and Madi - I can't believe my baby girls are growing up so fast. Where has the time gone?! I love you so much and thank God that he gave me you two. Through all of life's ups-and-downs and good and bad times, I will always be here for you. I will always fight for you. I will always love you. Love, Dad.
My sweet first grandchildren - how excited it was when first your Mom told me she was pregnant (Mother's Day) and then told me there were two! (Father's Day) My heart is filled with love and joy even though my throat has a huge lump in it as I read your note from your parents. I thank God everyday that he has given me the opportunity to spend my life loving and laughing with all of my grandchildren and children! Love you so much Grammy
Happy Birthday My Sweet Girls!! I know this is late being posted but I really thought about what I wanted to tell you both! I love you like you are my own and I want the very best for both of you! Momma Shannon prays for both of you every single day and I know that God has his hands all over you! You are both in his loving grip and I pray that you both know that and I pray that you both will grow closer to him and you will pray about the paths that life will take you! Know that God is always there for you and I am too!! I listen to the song by Rascal Flatts " My Wish" and those words are every thing I feel for both of you! Happy Birthday My Sweets! Know I love you and miss you so much!! (((Come see me))
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