Yes, she has done it again. Two Sundays ago Olivia, Jordan and some friends were playing in the basement having a good ol' time. We were getting ready to have some people over so I was busily preparing upstairs when I heard a cry from Olivia. This usually isn't too alarming for parents since kids cry but Olivia does not cry. Ever! I wasn't able to clearly determine what exactly happened due to the differences in the eyewitness accounts. Actually I am still not clear as to what happened. All I know is that a dumbbell fell on her big toe and the nail was immediately blue. As the evening went on she was in more and more pain even after ice, ibuprofen, tylenol and elevating her foot. At 8:30pm I decided it was time to head to the ER.
I was praying that our visit was better than the last one and that the doctor had some sort of decent bedside manner. In the triage area the nurse was great with Olivia and had her cracking up. So far so good. We went into a room rather quickly and the doctor told her she had to clean up her toe so she could get a good look. I saw an instrument on the bed that I knew was not for "cleaning" so I knew that a sneak attack was coming! She took the instrument and burned a hole through her nail! Blood was shooting out of her nail...all over the bed and all over the doctor! It looked like a geyser! It was incredible! Olivia was freaking out since she did not know that the intention was to let the blood out to relieve the pressure. After it stopped she felt immediately better. The doctor thought her toe was also broken and was surprised when the x-rays were negative.
And so after a 3 hour visit and several episodes of Zack and Cody we were on our way home. I am hoping that October is a better month for Miss Liv. I also wish these things would have happened earlier in the year so we could have met our deductible a little sooner! :) I am again very thankful that we didn't name her Grace...we were sooooo close!
PS A huge shout out to Grammy and Papa for meeting me at the hospital to assist with Miss Liv. I wasn't sure how she would react so I called them for some backup! They had just arrived home after driving 12 hours and were already in bed but thankfully came up anyway. I know that Papa has some issues with blood so I was happy when he didn't faint! Love you guys!
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