Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Muddy Memphis!

Jordan had a soccer tournament this weekend in Memphis and so we headed south to colder temps, rain and MUD! We arrived Friday night with the hopes of chillin' in the hotel lobby and watching the Mizzou game. The game was not being televised so we all huddled around Aaron's laptop and listened to the broadcast while the kids ran around like crazy people. Mizzou was victorious which meant we were playing for the Big 12 Tournament Championship on Saturday...yippee!
Our first game was Saturday morning and we won 5-2. Later that afternoon we played and won 5-0. And so one more game and we were on to the finals. This is a huge tournament with 195 teams participating and so the fields get quite a workout. The rain did not help the field conditions which meant we were playing in some serious mud. Luckily we saved the all white uniforms for Sunday. Sunday morning we played and unfortunately lost 2-1 after hitting the post twice. The team we lost to won the whole tournament so I guess that makes us feel a little better. The hard part is that after beating up on the Tennessee teams we lost to a St. Louis team. Ugh! Third isn't as fun as first place but the girls had a GREAT tounament and had a blast.
The one consolation was that Mizzou won the Big 12 Tournament Saturday night...go TIGERS!


Peter said...

Very nice blog. I wonder about the grammar of your photo caption "Aaron and I". If it's part of a sentence, "Aaron and I go to the store", it's correct. But as a stand-alone, I think it should be "Aaron and Me." You wouldn't say "Here's a picture of I." Sorry - too much time on my hands!

Jen P. said...

3rd out of 195 is great! Can't wait to see you all in May!! Can't come soon enough.

Shannon Ray said...

yeah J! you look great!!! I am so proud of you and your team!!! Tell your Mom that CHUCK AND I really really want to see yall!! We love you all bunches and miss you tons!! xoxoxoxoxo to all of you!!

Jenn... So glad that you got a grammar lesson!