Yesterday was Rachel and Madison's 12th birthday and I still can't believe they are 12!! Time is flying by. I feel like it was yesterday when we brought our two bundles of joy home from the hospital. We walked in our front door with each of us carrying a carseat, set them down, looked at each other and then said "Now what?" We were new parents that didn't know anything about having babies and here we had 2! We were instantly in love with them and have been ever since.
When I was a litttle girl I begged my mom for the twin Cabbage Patch dolls with brown hair. She searched high and low for them and gave them to me on Christmas morning one year. I thought I was the luckiest girl alive but then God blessed me with the real thing!! He is so GOOD! Little did I know what I was wishing for and how much work it was going to be. :) We quickly got into a routine and learned to function on very little sleep.
And so I feel like I blinked my eye and now they are twelve. What joy they have brought into our lives!! I remember when they learned how to walk at barely 10 months, their fascination with Barney and Superman, the first day I walked them into kindergarten and nearly had a meltdown, I remember them dancing to the "Joony Song" over and over again (this was their favorite song from the movie Benny and Joon), their many trips to the beach where they always met a friend, their first year at camp and how much I missed them and a thousand other memories over the years.
I have loved watching their relationship grow with each other. I love how they still call each other "Sis" and how they can't sleep apart. I love hearing them laugh at night when they are trying to go to sleep and can't help but feel slightly jealous that they have the ultimate human relationship in a twin sister. I remember reading once that identical twin girls are the closest relationship humans can have. I believe it because I see it every day! I have loved being their Mom for 12 years and I can't wait to see what the next 12 bring. I love you so much Rachel and Madison!! Happy Birthday Girls! XOXXO
It is hard to believe that our first grandchildren are already 12.
It seems like yesterday that Jenn stood up at SAM on Mothers Day to get the Mother's blessing. God knew how much you would need it. What a joy it is to sit and talk (more like listen) to both of you. It brings back so many memories of your Mom and her friends having fun together. XX Grammy
Happy Birthday girls!!!!
Happy birthday girls! I can still remember when your Mom brought you to my house when I lived at the Lake and you two spent the entire time half naked and beating each other up! Such sisterly love! Love you and miss you! Your Mom and Dad have done a great job!
Happy Birtday Rachel and Madi!!
I hope that your day was filled with lots of fun and laughter and that you got to spend it with all of your family and friends.. of course it would have been so much more fun if I would have been with you but... you will just have to come to Texas!! I loved spending time with yall last week and will treasure the sweet hugs that you gave me~ Always know that I love you both bunches!and I pray daily that God will watch over you and bless you bunches~~
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