As I sit here tonight I think of all the craziness that the Christmas Season brings. I think of all the decorating, Christmas cards, shopping, baking, school plays, church plays, teacher gifts, party planning, and STRESS! I think of Olivia a few years ago bawling her eyes out because she was petrified of Santa. Why do we do it? I wanted a picture to remember and (I hate to admit that it is one of my favorites) and I vividly recall the chaos surrounding this photo. Aaron and I were frantically trying to get her to stop crying by jumping around like idiots. I am sure we were yelling out some bribes also...new Barbies, ice cream, etc.
I also think of Olivia two nights ago at her school Christmas program. She had a speaking part where she was supposed to say a memorized verse all by herself. As the microphone was being passed down the row I could see her starting to panic. Her face was turning red and she was starting to mouth the words to herself...desperately trying to remember her line. When the microphone was almost to her she looked at me and mouthed "I don't know it." I wanted to run up on that stage and scoop her up to save her from her intense fear and embarrasment. But instead I hid behind the video camera praying that she would remember. She stumbled a tiny bit but quickly recovered. I was so proud. But later I thought, why do we do it? Sure it was cute but the stress was intense.
I think of the crazy mornings getting ready for school when the stress level is peaking, and not because the girls are any different it is just me thinking of the 100's of things I am supposed to get done that day and wondering how am I going to do it? Why?
The Christmas Season is about the birth of Jesus who was sent to save us! How great is that? Why does this amazing message of love get lost in all of the chaos? The gift of Jesus is the greatest gift we could ever imagine receiving so why does it get pushed aside? I am vowing that next year ( this year I am too late!) I am going to try very hard to reduce the stress of the holidays and keep the message of Jesus as my main focus. I can't imagine the sadness He feels when He sees us rushing around with our traditions and gift buying that mean absolutely nothing that is relevant to His birth. Imagine that it is your birthday and you invite people over for a party. How would you like it if your guests didn't even show up because they were too busy running errands and doing other "important" things. I am sure this is how Jesus feels.
So next year Christmas Cards will be from Costco and not to 175 people, gifts will not be wrapped like a fancy department store, teachers are getting gift cards, we will not host 18 parties and we will start new traditions that focus more on the birth of Jesus!!
I am asking that someone reminds me next November of this posting. I will bet it will either be my husband or my mother!
PS Off to a party...
Hey, I've got a CRAZY idea!!!! How about we have ONE Christmas Tree instead of FIVE?!?!?!...
Love you honey! (and I do like all the Christmas Trees... just giving you trouble!)
Hey Jen! I totally agree and thought you might be encouraged to know that God is sending me the same message this Christmas. In fact, I wrote out some of those thoughts for our women's newsletter at church, if you want to give it a peek: http://thecityofthedavids.blogspot.com/2008/12/my-thoughts-on-this-season.html
You're not alone! I'm finally realizing that most of the stress is self-induced - ouch! But I realize I'm a big ol' work in progress and God is patient. Right?!?! Anyway, Merry Christmas to you, my friend!
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