Several months ago i bid and won a photo shoot from Tres Chic Photography at an auction and yesterday was the day. Oh, the preparation to get 4 girls ready for a photo shoot. I actually picked the girls up early from school (don't yell at me all of you teachers...i can hear you now!) to prepare for the big day. We had all of the coordinating outfits ready to go on the dining room table and the excitement was contagious. The straighteners were plugged in, the smell of fingernail polish floating through the air, and the sound of tags ripping off all of those new outfits filled the Crowell house. Everyone was busily getting theirselves ready...or so I thought. After several sightings of three of my children i suddenly realized that i was missing one. Madison. If we are ever waiting for someone it is ALWAYS Madison. I called her name several times with no answer and then noticed a small lump on her bed. Sure enough...Madison was snoozing away. No surprise since this is the child that waiting 33 LONG minutes after her twin was born to grace us with her presence. After waking the princess we quickly were on our way. The shoot went great and our photographer, Heather, worked perfectly with the girls. She let them just be themselves which can be quite crazy at times. She even caught Livi who fell out of a tree (no surprise if you know Livi!) I can't wait to get the pics...should be next week sometime. Here is a pic that i took.